Studies on drug abuse in recreational sports

A review article in the journal Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin summarizes the findings on the prevalence of drug abuse for the purpose of improving performance in recreational sports. The best research has been done on the use of anabolic steroids in gyms, which according to various surveys are used by 10 to 20 % of those who train there. Among bodybuilders, up to 62 % are thought to use anabolic steroids and various "slimming products", with men on the whole using performance-enhancing drugs much more frequently than women. In addition to prevalence aspects, the article also discusses the risks and side effects of drugs frequently used in recreational sports as well as the role of doctors

Nieß, A. M. / Striegel, H. / Wiesing, U. (2014): Doping und Medikamentenmissbrauch im Breiten- und Freizeitsport. In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin 65(2), 29–33. doi: 10.5960/dzsm.2013.091. Online Version (German)
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