Library Classification System

The holdings are freely accessible and shelved according to the classification system.

00.00 Generals

00.01 Bibliographies
00.03 Address books
00.05 Directories of research bodies
00.07 Government departments, Courts
00.09 Associations, Organisations
00.11 Statistics

01.00 Encyclopaedias

01.01 Encyclopaedias/Philosophy
01.03 Encyclopaedias/Theology
01.05 Encyclopaedias/Bioethics
01.07 Encyclopaedias/Philosophy of Science, Logic
01.09 Encyclopaedias/Politics, Society, Economics
01.11 Encyclopaedias/Natural sciences, Technology
01.13 Encyclopaedias/Biology
01.15 Encyclopaedias/Ecology
01.17 Encyclopaedias/Genetics
01.19 Encyclopaedias/Medicine

05.00 Philosophy

05.01 Introduction to philosophy and the history of philosophy
05.02 Metaphysics
05.03 The concept of nature and its history
05.04 Nature and culture
05.05 Philosophy of nature
05.06 Aesthetics of nature
05.07 Anthropology
05.08 Identity and person
05.09 Philosophy of mind
05.11 Epistemology
05.13 Analytical philosophy
05.14 Introduction to/textbooks on the philosophy of science
05.15 Philosophy of science
05.16 The social context of science
05.18 Introduction to practical philosophy
05.19 Philosophical ethics
05.20 Applied ethics
05.21 Science and ethics
05.23 Applied ethics: teaching methods and materials
05.30 Philosophy of law
05.31 Political and social philosophy
05.32 Philosophy of human rights

10.00 Theology

10.01 Christian theology
10.03 Moral theology and Christian social theory
10.05 Non-christian theology

14.00 General bioethics

14.01 Introduction to/textbooks on bioethics
14.02 Anthologies on bioethics
14.07 Gene ethics, plants and animals
14.09 Ethics and food production
14.13 Ethics and patenting

15.00 Medical ethics

15.01 Introduction to/textbooks on medical ethics
15.02 Anthologies on medical ethics
15.03 Medical ethics as discipline
15.04 Medical ethics in countries and regions
15.05 Medical ethics and religion
15.06 Medical ethics and law
15.07 Health and disease
15.08 Ethics and neurodegenerative diseases
15.09 Ethics of the health system
15.10 Ethics and drugs
15.11 Ethics of psychiatry
15.12 Neuroethics
15.13 Ethics of human experiments
15.15 Status of the embryo
15.17 Ethics of reproductive medicine
15.19 Ethics and pediatrics
15.21 Disabilty
15.23 Ethics and the quality of life
15.25 Ethics and PVS
15.27 Ethics and abortion
15.28 Ethics and ageing
15.29 Dying and death
15.30 Ethics of assisted death
15.31 Ethics of palliative care
15.32 Ethics and intensive care
15.35 Ethics and organ transplantation
15.37 Ethics and sexuality
15.39 General gene ethics
15.40 Gene ethics: diagnosis and counselling
15.41 Gene ethics: therapy
15.43 Doctor-patient relationship
15.44 Professional medical ethics
15.45 Ethics of the care profession
15.47 Ethics commissions
15.50 Ethics of medical research
15.55 Ethics of privacy protection

16.00 Ecological ethics

17.00 Animal ethics

17.07 Animal protection

18.00 Ethics of technology

18.04 Nanoethics
18.09 Ethics of information technology

19.00 Business ethics

22.00 Ethics of politics and society

22.03 Ethics and human rights

29.00 Technology

29.01 Consequences of technology
29.03 Philosophy of technology
29.05 Artificial intelligence and robotics
29.07 Risk assessment

33.00 Sports

35.00 Sociology and political science

35.01 Population growth
35.03 Foreign aid and development policy
35.05 Theory of institutions
35.07 Theory of society
35.09 Media

40.00 Psychology

40.03 Developmental psychology
40.05 Clinical psychology
40.07 Social psychology

43.00 Pedagogy

45.00 Economics

45.01 Economic theory
45.02 Economic policy
45.10 Economy of the health system

50.00 Natural sciences and mathematics

50.01 History of science
50.03 Science textbooks
50.05 Mathematics and computing
50.07 Foundation and interpretation of the sciences
50.09 Logic
50.11 Decision theory
50.13 Computing in biology

55.00 Biology

55.01 Evolution
55.03 Behavioral biology
55.04 Cell biology
55.05 Embryology and developmental biology
55.07 Foundation and interpretation of biology

60.00 Environmental science

60.01 Ecology
60.03 Environmental policy
60.05 Environment protection

65.00 Genetics

65.01 Gene technology and biotechnology
65.02 Genetically modified food
65.03 Genetics in humans
65.05 Patenting in gene technology
65.10 Genetically produced drugs

70.00 Medicine

70.01 History of medicine
70.03 Pharmaceutical research and medication
70.05 Neuroscience
70.07 Psychosomatics
70.09 Reproductive medicine
70.10 Transplantation
70.11 Alternative medicine
70.13 Sociology of medicine
70.15 Foundation and interpretation of medicine

80.00 Jurisprudence

80.01 Laws, Legal commentaries, Guidelines, Decisions
80.04 Medical and drug law
80.07 Gene technology law
80.11 Environmental law
80.15 Animal protection law

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