
Archive: DRZE Info Letter


The Rediscovery of Bioethics

Die Wiederentdeckung der Bioethik

Symposium to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the DRZE

The founding of the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE) in 1999 was a milestone for bioethical research in Germany. To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the DRZE is organizing an international scientific symposium in German and English.

Soziale Roboter in Medizin und Pflege
© KI-generiert mit Adobe Illustrator

DRZE Journal Club: Social robots in medicine and healthcare

The sixth edition of the DRZE Journal Club examines the extent to which the deduction of ideal characteristics or capabilities that social robots should exhibit can meaningfully guide the ethical evaluation of their use.

Universität Bonn bei Nacht
© Unsplash, Carolina Nichitin

PRACC at Dies Academicus and the Bonn Science Night

The BMBF-funded project PRACC will take part in the Dies academicus on 15 May 2024 with a lecture and a panel discussion entitled “What kind of diversity should we protect? An interdisciplinary perspective on nature conservation” (programme of the Faculty of Arts, 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m., lecture hall VIII).

On 16 May 2024, it will attend the Bonn Science Night with a booth on the Münsterplatz.

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DRZE Journal Club: Ethical perspectives on surrogacy

In the fifth issue of the Journal Club, Sandra Scholl provides an overview of the various areas of discussion in the ethical debate.

Dirk Lanzerath
© Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V.

Dirk Lanzerath elected Chairman of the JRF Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee of the Johannes Rau Research Foundation (JRF) has elected Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath as Chairman on 11 April 2024.

Sammelband Medizinische Forschung und COVID

Medizinische Forschung und COVID-19

New collection on medical research and COVID-19, edited by Dirk Lanzerath und Sebastian von Kielmansegg.

© Volker Lannert


The DRZE coordinates the EU-funded project RE4GREEN on climate and environmental ethics in research and innovation.

The videos of the kick-off meeting are now online.

© Volker Lannert

Biodiversity in the Anthropocene –
Restore or Design?

16 October 2023 – Universitätsclub Bonn

In the context of the 13th "Ethik-Forum", renowned experts will shed light in a panel discussion on how an appropriate understanding of biodiversity conservation can be developed under the conditions of the Anthropocene. Should natural processes be managed for the purpose of restoration and preservation with as little human intervention as possible, or must a greater claim to design be derived in the age of the Anthropocene?

© Pixabay

Bioethics Press Review

The DRZE's bioethics press review presents discourses on bioethical topics in the German and foreign press.

Elena Krämer
© Volker Lannert

New employee

We warmly welcome Elena Krämer to the DRZE.

Dirk Lanzerath
© Volker Lannert

Dirk Lanzerath elected Vice-Chairman of the Central Ethics Committee at the German Medical Association (ZEKO)

The members of ZEKO elected Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath as Vice-Chairman for the upcoming 10th term (2023-2025) at their constituent meeting on March 9, 2023. The new chairperson is the hematologist/oncologist Prof. Dr. Eva Winkler.

The German Medical Association has published the following press release:

SB 24 - Image
© Unsplash, Adrien Converse

New in Open Access

Expert report Vol. 24 "Bildgebung in den Neurowissenschaften"
(Imaging in the neurosciences)

© Carlos Muza, Unsplash

Patient-Oriented Data Use

Bioethics Forum of the German Ethics Council, 22 March 2023 in Berlin.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath will provide an ethical classification in his lecture.

© Barbara M. Hasenau

Kick-off PRACC

Start of a new DRZE project on climate ethics.

© Christine Siefer

Kick-off iRECS

Start of a new DRZE project on research ethics.

Sandra Scholl
© Volker Lannert

New employee

We warmly welcome Sandra Scholl to the DRZE.

© Unsplash, Mohammed Ali

New article published

AI, Suicide Prevention and the Limits of Beneficence

Aurélie Halsband and Bert Heinrichs

© Dirk Lanzerath

Talk by Dirk Lanzerath

„Research Integrity: Principles, Challenges and Dilemmas“.

Dirk Lanzerath will give a presentation to young scientists at the workshop of the German Society of Internal Medicine (GSIM) in Berlin on 17 November 2022 and explains the function of the European "Embassy of Good Science".

Dirk Lanzerath
© Volker Lannert

Dirk Lanzerath reappointed to the Central Ethics Committee at the German Medical Association (ZEKO)

The Executive Board of the German Medical Association has reappointed Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath as a member of the Central Commission for the Preservation of Ethical Principles in Medicine and its Border Areas for the term of office 2022 - 2025.

Further information is available here:

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New in Open Access

Expert report "Demenz" (Dementia)

© Pixabay

New article

Embryo-Splitting und reproduktives Klonen (Embryo splitting and reproductive cloning)
Dr. Aurélie Halsband

© Pixabay

Job vacancy

Research associate in the research department

© Pixabay

New in Open Access

Expert report "Neuroenhancement"

© Pixabay

Recently published

Natur, Ethik und Ästhetik
(Nature, Ethics & Aesthetics)
with contributions by Dieter Sturma, Dirk Lanzerath, Laura Summa, Aurélie Halsband

© Pixabay

Job vacancy

Student assistant in the IT department

© Pixabay

Job vacancy

Student assistant in the research department

© Pixabay

Recently published

Bioeconomy and Sustainability
ed. by D. Lanzerath, U. Schurr, C. Pinsdorf and M. Stake

Dirk Lanzerath
© Volker Lannert

Media and talks by Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath

  • "How are National Ethics Councils able to react and change?"
    Talk by Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath at the 29th Meeting of the National Ethics Councils Forum on 12 May 2022 (more)

  • When Am I Ill? – Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath in conversation with Prof. Gert Scobel (in German), April 2022 (more)

  • Talk “When Am I Ill? Medical-Ethical Considerations” by Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath (in German), April 2022 (more)

© Pixabay

New article

Sustainable AI and Intergenerational Justice
Dr. Aurélie Halsband

© Pixabay

New article

The Ethics of AI-Powered Climate Nudging
Dr. Marius Bartmann

© Pixabay

COVID-19 pandemic

Guidelines and statements on ethical aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic may be retrieved in the bioethics literature database BELIT.

Please enter the search term COVID-19 document in the Subject Keywords field.

All newspaper articles on the new coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic are available in the archive of the Bioethics Press Review.

Please enter the search term coronavirus.

Further online resources on ethical aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic are listed in the Bioethics Links under COVID-19.

© Pixabay

COVID-19 pandemic: Contributions and interviews

Contributions by Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath:

  • COVID-19 Human Challenge Trials. What Research Ethics Committees Need to Consider. In: Research Ethics 16 (2020), 3-4, 1-11. DOI 10.1177/1747016120943635

  • The Ethics of COVID-19 Tracking Apps. Challenges and Voluntariness. In: Research Ethics 16 (2020), 3-4, 1-9. DOI 10.1177/1747016120943622

Contributions by Prof. Dr. Bert Heinrichs of the Institute for Science and Ethics, IWE (more)

Dirk Lanzerath
© Volker Lannert

Dirk Lanzerath elected to the ZEKO Board of Directors

The Managing Director of the DRZE, Prof. Dr Dirk Lanzerath, has been a member of the Central Commission for the Preservation of Ethical Principles in Medicine and its Border Areas (Central Ethics Commission, ZEKO) at the German Medical Association since 2008. Within the current 9th term of office (2019-2022), he was elected to the board of the committee in November 2020.

Further information can be found in the press release (in Germen) of the German Medical Association.

© Pixabay

New in Open Access

Expert report 22 "Big Data in der Medizin"
(Big Data in Medicine)

© Pixabay

New in Open Access

Expert report 20 "Synthetische Biologie"
(Synthetic biology)

© Unsplash, Hans Peter Gauster

Recently published

In focus "Dementia"

© Pixabay

Recently published

In focus "Somatic Gene Therapy"

© Unsplash, David Matos

Recently published

In focus "Enhancement"

DRZE Infobrief ("Info Letter")


Archive: DRZE Infobrief

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