Prädiktive genetische Testverfahren

Naturwissenschaftliche, rechtliche und ethische Aspekte

Ethics in the Life Sciences – DRZE Expert Reports, Volume 2
Peter Propping / Stefan Aretz / Johannes Schumacher / Jochen Taupitz / Jens Guttmann / Bert Heinrichs

Published by the DRZE – German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences
under the responsibility of Ludger Honnefelder und Dirk Lanzerath

The first part of the volume presents the current medico-scientific state: What does genetic testing mean, what types of test procedures are there, and how are they currently being disseminated and used not just in Germany, but also worldwide?

The following legal section discusses the limits to the use of such tests with regard to the norms of the Basic Law and in accordance with the relevant national and international legal regulations, directives or standards based on non-constitutional law, before the use of genetic tests is then examined in the context of labor, insurance and medical law.

The final section deals with an analysis of the ethical examination of the questions raised by predictive genetic tests, an outline of the need for regulation that arises with regard to opportunities and risks of such test procedures, as well as a description of possible regulatory models.

SB 02
© Verlag Karl Alber

ISBN: 978-3-495-48194-3

Publisher: Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg

Year of publication: 2006

Price: 15,- € (paperback)

Pages: 176, German (21,4 x 13,9 cm)

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