Medical paternalism

In the context of medical ethics, the term 'paternalism' is at the centre of a discussion concerning possible justification for interventions which run contrary to patients' autonomous decisions on the grounds of the obligation to provide for their welfare. Measures are described as paternalistic in this sense when they are carried out with the intention of protecting a person's well-being against his or her will. One may distinguish between 'strong' paternalism, which refers to decisions taken on behalf of persons who are capable of giving or withholding their approval, and 'weak' paternalism which involves persons who cannot do this.

For further information on medical paternalism see:

Simon, A. / Verrel, T.: Patientenverfügungen. Ethik in den Biowissenschaften – Sachstandsberichte des DRZE, Bd. 11. (Advance decisions. Ethics in the life sciences – Expert reports by the DRZE, vol. 11.) Freiburg i. Br.: Karl Alber. Online Version  (German)

Ausfeld-Hafter, B. (2007) (ed.): Medizin und Macht. Die Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung im Wandel: mehr Entscheidungsfreiheit? (Medicine and power. Changes in the doctor-patient relationship: more freedom of decision?) Bern: Lang. (German)

Barta, H. / Kalchschmid, G. (2005) (eds.): Die Patientenverfügung – Zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Paternalismus. (The advance decision – Between self-determination and paternalism.) Vienna: LIT. (German)

Eibach, U. (1997): Vom Paternalismus zur Autonomie des Patienten? Medizinische Ethik im Spannungsfeld zwischen einer Ethik der Fürsorge und einer Ethik der Autonomie. (From paternalism to patient autonomy? Medical ethics between an ethics of care and an ethics of autonomy.) In: Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik (ZfmE) 43 (3), 215–231. (German)

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