Nature and Environmental Ethics

Nature and environmental ethics is a branch of bioethics. It deals with ethical considerations of the relationship between human beings and non-human living and non-living nature. It is sometimes termed "ecological ethics", although it does not necessarily relate to ecological contexts. An ethics that deals exclusively with the treatment of animals by humans is called "animal ethics".

General literature on nature and environmental ethics (selection):

Birnbacher, Dieter (ed.) (1997): Ökophilosophie. (Ecophilosophy.) Stuttgart: Reclam. 

Birnbacher, Dieter (2001): Ökologie und Ethik. Bibliographisch ergänzte Auflage. (Ecology and ethics. Revised edition.) Stuttgart: Reclam. 

Eser, Uta / Potthast, Thomas (1999): Naturschutzethik. Eine Einführung in die Praxis. (Ethics of nature conservation. An introduction to the practice. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 

Krebs, Angelika (1997): Naturethik. Grundtexte zur gegenwärtigen Tier- und ökoethischen Diskussion. (Nature ethics. Fundamental texts on the current discussion on animal ethics and ecological ethics.) Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp. 

Ott, Konrad / Gorke, Martin (eds.) (2000): Spektrum der Umweltethik. (The spectrum of environmental ethics.) Marburg: Metropolis. 

Von der Pforten, Dietmar (1996): Ökologische Ethik. Zur Rechtfertigung menschlichen Verhaltens gegenüber der Natur. (Ecological ethics. On the justification of human behaviour towards nature.) Reinbek: Rowohlt. 


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