Political initiatives for legislation on genetic diagnostics

The Study Commission (Enquete-Kommission) on "Law and Ethics in Modern Medicine" of the 14th Federal Parliament recommended in 2002 that genetic tests conducted on human subjects should be governed in Germany by extensive legislation on genetic diagnostic testing. In its final report of 14 May, 2002, it stresses the right of the individual to informational self-determination. Together with federal and state data protection officers, it called for an explicit ban on the carrying out of predictive genetic tests without the consent of the patient. In addition, the Study Commission urged legislation covering how such tests should be conducted as well as the procedures to be observed, inter alia, for screening purposes.

Final report of the Study Commission (Enquete-Kommission) on "Law and Ethics in Modern Medicine" (14.05.2002). Online Version (German)

In Germany, the adoption of the German Genetic Diagnostics Act was preceded by a series of political initiatives. Further information on this process can be found in: Damm 2004. For a comment on the 2005 draft for discussion, see: Henn 2005; Wiesing / Schmitz 2005 and Hasskarl / Ostertag 2005.


Damm, R. (2004): Gesetzgebungsprojekt Gentestgesetz Regelungsprinzipien und Regelungsmaterien. In: Medizinrecht 22 (1), 1–19. (German)

Hasskarl, H. / Ostertag, A. (2005): Der deutsche Gesetzgeber auf dem Weg zu einem Gendiagnostikgesetz. In: Medizinrecht 23 (11), 640–650. (German)

Henn, W. (2005): Der Diskussionsentwurf des Gendiagnostikgesetzes. Ein Meilenstein der Patientenautonomie? In: Ethik in der Medizin 17 (1), 34–38. (German)

Wiesing, U. / Schmitz, D. (2005): Methode oder Prognose? Zum Diskussionsentwurf des Gendiagnostikgesetzes aus ethischer Perspektive. In: Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik 51 (2), 192–198. (German)

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