Dr. Marius Bartmann

Marius Bartmann
© Volker Lannert

Research Associate (Scientific Department)

Head of Ethics Project funded by the BMBF:
"Practical Challenges of Climate Change"

University of Bonn
German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE)
Bonner Talweg 57
53113 Bonn

0228 / 73-8126


  • Interview (German): "Is it legitimate to restrict our civil liberties to protect the climate?", Bonn General-Anzeiger (16 September 2024).

Short Bio:

  • Since 2023: Head of Ethics Project funded by the BMBF: Practical Challenges of Climate Change
  • Since 2019: Research Associate at the DRZE
  • 2011-2017: PhD in Philosophy at the University of Bonn (funded by a doctoral scholarship from the Studienstiftung)
  • 2013: Visiting Student Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley
  • 2005-2010: BA and MA in Philosophy and German Literature at the University of Heidelberg (funded by a BA/MA scholarship from the Studienstiftung)

Research Interests:

  • Ethics of Climate Change
  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • Metaethics
  • Intergenerational Justice
  • Collective Agency

Publications (Selection):


Edited Volumes:

  • 2023. Climate Justice: Ethical Aspects and Policy Aspects. An expert report by the DRZE. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (Together with Dirk Lanzerath and Aurélie Halsband). DOI: 10.5771/9783495993798


  • 2023: "Climate Justice: Ethical Aspects", in: Lanzerath, D./Bartmann, M./Halsband, A. (eds.): Climate Justice. Ethical Aspects and Policy Aspects. Ein Sachstandsbericht des DRZE. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 13–88. (Together Aurélie Halsband). DOI: 10.5771/9783495993798
  • 2023: "Klimawandel, Gesundheit und Ethik – Der Klimawandel als bioethisches Gerechtigkeitsproblem", in: Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik 69 (4), 585–599. DOI: 10.30965/29498570-20230053
  • 2023: "Reasoning with Recommender Systems? Practical Reasoning, Digital Nudging, and Autonomy", in: Genovesi, S. et al. (eds.): Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues. The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology 40. Cham: Springer, 129–145. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34804-4_7
  • 2023: "Nudging im Gesundheitswesen: Ethische Aspekte", in: Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik 69 (3), 489–495. DOI: 10.30965/29498570-20230039
  • 2023: "Wittgenstein on the Language of Time and the Solipsism of the Present", in: Sturma, D. (ed.): Mind and Time: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 109–128. DOI: 10.5771/9783495994078
  • 2022: "The Ethics of AI-Powered Climate Nudging – How Much AI Should We Use to Save the Planet?", in: Sustainability 14 (9), 5153. DOI: 10.3390/su14095153
  • 2019: "Facts and Realism in Philosophy", in: Fludernik, M./Ryan, M.-L. (eds.): Handbook of Narrative Factuality. Berlin: DeGruyter, 209-227.

Talks and Panel Discussions (Selection):

  • "Personal Autonomy in Digital Spaces"; 4TU.Ethics / Esdit Conference Rethinking "Ethics – Reimagining Technology" (2-4 October 2024, University of Twente)
  • "Individuelle und Kollektive Verantwortung im Kontext des Klimawandels", XI. Conference for Practical Philosophy (19-20 September 2024, University of Passau).
  • "Welche Vielfalt sollen wir schützen? Eine interdisziplinäre Perspektive auf den Naturschutz"; Dies Academicus (15 May 2024; University of Bonn)
  • "Dark Patterns, Practical Reasoning, and Digital Choices"; Dark Patterns and Generational Divides: Information System Design for Younger and Older Internet Users (12 December 2023; University of Dresden)
  • "Digital Nudging and Autonomy"; AI, Human Values and Meaningful Human Control (22 June 2023; Center for Science and Thought (CST), University of Bonn)
  • "Climate Justice"; Academy for International Education (6 June 2022; University of Bonn)
  • "Klimaethik im digitalen Zeitalter"; Conference of the Fachverband Philosophie e.V.: Überwindung oder Verlust des Menschlichen? Entwicklungen der Biotechnik und Digitalisierung aus ethischer Sicht (12 November 2022; Wiesbaden)
  • "Ethics of Neuroenhancement"; Guest Lecturer in the lecture series Red Biotechnology (2 November 2022; FH Aachen)
  • "Practical Challenges of Climate Change"; BION Spring Conference (6 April 2022; University of Bonn)
  • Panelist at the Recommender Systems Conference – Legal and Ethical Issues (9-10 December 2021; University of Bonn)
  • Moderator at the Sustainable AI Conference (15-17 June 2021; Institute for Science and Ethics (IWE), University of Bonn)
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