Legal reorganization of assisted suicide 2023

On 06 July 2023, two draft laws for a new regulation of assisted suicide were presented in the Bundestag, both of which, however, fell short of a majority.

The draft of the group around member Lars Castellucci proposes a limited criminal liability as well as the development of a protection concept, so that the assistance in suicide in organized ("businesslike") form would be anchored in the penal code by the reintroduction of paragraph 217 but would be allowed under certain conditions. These conditions would include psychiatric or psychotherapeutic assessments to exclude any autonomy-limiting mental illness or other factors that might affect free choice. The other draft put forward by the group around members Katrin Helling-Plah, Renate Künast and others proposes a general impunity as well as a new assisted suicide law with a focus on a counselling concept. This includes the establishment of state-approved counselling centres based on the conception that every person has the right to end their own life out of an autonomously formed free will and to call on the help of third parties. Whereas the first draft drew criticism for the renewed regulation in the Penal Code, which would help neither those affected nor doctors and ran the risk of criminalizing assisted suicide, the second draft drew criticism primarily for the fact that it treated people in vulnerable crisis or borderline situations too lightly and ran the risk of normalizing suicide in society. The attempt to find a standardized regulation for heterogeneous groups of people was criticized in both drafts.

The wording of the draft laws can be found here:

Draft Law (2022) (group around Lars Castellucci (SPD), Ansgar Heveling (CDU) and members of Grüne, FDP, and Linke): Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Strafbarkeit der geschäftsmäßigen Hilfe zur  Selbsttötung und zur Sicherstellung der Freiverantwortlichkeit der  Entscheidung zur Selbsttötung vom 07. März 2022. Bundestags-Drucksache 20/904. Online Version (German)

Draft Law (2023) (group around Katrin Helling-Plahr (FDP), Renate Künast (Grüne) and members of SPD, and Linke) : Entwurf eines Gesetzes zum Schutz des Rechts auf selbstbestimmtes Sterben und zur Regelung der Hilfe zur Selbsttötung sowie zur Änderung weiterer Gesetze vom 13. Juni 2023. Bundestags-Drucksache 20 (o.A.). Online Version (German)

Background information is presented here, for example:

Fiebig, P. (2023): Entscheidung im Bundestag. Wie die Sterbehilfe in Deutschland geregelt werden soll. In: Deutschlandfunk (16. Juni 2023).

Deutscher Bundestag (2023): Bundestag lehnt Gesetzesentwürfe zur Reform der Sterbehilfe ab. Online Version (German) [13.07.2023]

See the debate over the structure and scope of state suicide prevention in this context:

Motion for  resolution (2023): Entschließungsantrag zu der dritten Beratung der Gesetzentwürfe zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Regelung der Suizidhilfe und zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zum Schutz des Rechts auf selbstbestimmtes Sterben und zur Änderung weiterer Gesetze  – Drucksachen 20/2332 und 20/2293 –  Suizidprävention ernst nehmen – Forschung stärken und  evidenzbasierte Maßnahmen konsequent umsetzen. Bundestags-Drucksache 20 (o.A.). Online Version (German)

Motion(2022): Suizidprävention stärken und selbstbestimmtes Leben ermöglichen vom 22. März 2022. Bundestags-Drucksache 20/1121 Online Version (German)

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